Emerald: the springtime gem

springtime gem

Emerald, characterised by spring and green colour, is a symbol of fertility and faith. It's one of the green stones that stands for spring, an ideal time for time. Thanks to its renewed energy and bright colours, Emerald stone easily creates harmony and reinforces love in a family. The gemstones are believed to be a symbol of friendship, loyal, faith, and immortality. Get more information about this gemstone and understand why it's the symbol of rebirth and love.

Emerald's Benefit to Your Eyes

According to scientists, the human eye is more sensitive to green as the colour is easier on the eyes. Green is considered a soft, gentle, and restful colour. Pliny states that the gemstone delights the eye without fatiguing it, hence making it exceptional. From Emperor Nero to Aristotle, ancient history believed in the medicinal and soothing properties of the mineral. It's believed that Emperor Nero wore sunglasses made from the gemstone while watching the gladiators. In addition, the famous Moguls of India, such as Shah Jahan, inscribed the minerals with sacred text and went ahead to wear them as talismans. At first, the gem was believed to have been sighted in either India or Egypt thousands of years ago. As a result, it became Cleopatra's favourite jewellery. Reportedly, she adorned herself and the palace with the stone and gifted foreign dignitaries with it. To her, the stone was a display of power and wealth. It was until the sixteenth century when deposits of gems were found in Columbia. Today, Muzo mine eclipses all other sources of quality and quantity, hence holding the preeminent status. The gem benefits from special industrial treatments used to improve their final appearances. The transparency and clarity of this mineral are largely affected by occurring fissures which are seen as eye-visible inclusions.

Emerald's Nature Termed as a Symbol of Resurrection

The ancient Christians perceived the jewellery as a symbol of resurrection. The Christians believed the pendant was amongst the twelve stones that represent the twelve tribes of Israel. In addition, the ancient Egyptians believed the gemstone stood for rebirth and fertility. The stone holds a unique distinction in the world of minerals as they are traditionally considered to be special and precious. The stone stands out as a sign of rebirth and resurrection, hence perceived as a unique symbol of reproduction. In the Middle Ages, it was used to foretell the future. Additionally, it was used to cure demonic possession and ward off evil sorcery. Thanks to its mystical abilities, the stone was largely used in foretelling, enhancing persuasiveness, and improving memory. It was believed that tying the stone to a woman's thigh helped eased childbirth. Its amulets and pendants were worn to avoid panic, prevent epilepsy, and stop cases of bleeding. Emerald's beauty is highly appreciated that stated inclusions would make other beryl mothing more than common rocks are treated with outstanding distinction. Often, heavily included mineral patterns are referred to as gardens and lend a great deal of perfection and interest to this stone. Most people believed the stone could confer power, riches, and eloquence if worn as talismans. More so, the stone sharpened wits and strengthened memory. However, its most distinctive power bestowing the ability to foresee planned events, unravel people's fate and predict future occasions. Spanish, Hindu, and Arab physicians used the stone against infection, poison, and dysentery in the past. Up to date, many people believe the stone plays a significant role in protection against demons. Also known as the revealer of true nature, the stone was thought to cut through all spells and illusions. That's including the falsity or truth of a lover's oath. Some believed the stone could dampen lust by clearing the head. As a result, people could find the truth about several objects of infatuation. Its soothing and unique green colour is restful to the eyes. Today, many gem cutters place the stone on their workbenches. After long hours of hard work, the cutters rest their eyes on the stone to treat the strain.

Emerald's Properties and Characteristics

Commonly known as the heart of stone, the gem hails from the Beryl variety. Its chemical composition features Beryllium and Aluminium Silicate, while its hardness is between 7.5 and 8. Its deposits are found in multiple countries such as Colombia, the United States, India, South Africa, Brazil, Zambia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Madagascar, Austria, Australia, and Tanzania. The stone is easily distinguishable by its green colour and hue. Vanadium, Iron, and Chromium make up the gem's composition and largely accounts for its colour. Its colouration fluctuates between green-blue and green-yellow. When subjected to fire, the stone turns to light pearl green. The dense stone only fractures in a shell-like manner with its hardness, leaving behind a white streak. To recognise its presence, miners calculate the proportion of oxygen isotopes, making it easier to draw parallels with other similar ancient stones. Although it's present in multiple deposits worldwide, the stone is rare to find as it only forms under unique geological conditions. Emerald's components are found in diverse places, as Iron, vanadium, and Chromium line the earth's mantle. In addition, there are notable differences between the existing deposits. For instance, the crystals found in Brazil are impure and date over 600 million years ago. A good number of ancient tales expounds on the legendary cities of great power and wealth. The stories cite cities with walls made of precious materials and this stone. Those virtuous and lucky enough to locate the legendary cities were rewarded with the stone and other heavenly jewels. Tales like this spread across the entire world, specifically Europe. For instance, the Spaniards believed they had encountered the city of legend after discovering abundant minerals and gold in the New World.

Emerald's Therapeutic Properties

This heart of stone highly contributes to relationship harmony between lovers, friendship circles, and families. Conductive to families and friendships, the stone develops understanding and honesty. The stone comfortably soothes desires and brings inner calm to families. Also, it encourages friends and lovers to be open and benevolent. As a result, the stone helps reinforce teamwork and cooperation. It also allows people with claustrophobic disorders and contributes to the settlement of long-standing conflicts. Besides that, the pendant sharpens memory and encourages learning. According to researchers, the stone relieves a wide variety of ailments. First, the stone plays a critical role in strengthening the immune system by helping treat angina and influenza. Second, it helps soothe the digestive system. It's renowned for helping purify the pancreas and liver. Emerald's curing power is also highly noted on vision disorders as it helps treat cataracts. Additionally, people with diabetes and epilepsy find relief in using this precious stone as it helps protect the spine and the joints. Its remarkable effect on multiple sclerosis and heart problems is well noted. In a nutshell, the stone is highly recommended for convalescents as it allows recovery of physical faculties. In terms of symbolism and offerings, the beliefs differ from one tribe to the other. For instance, Hindus believe that offering the heart of stone to the god Krishna attracts rewards such as eternal knowledge and soul. The Hindu teachings also associate this trinket with planet Mercury whereas western traditions connect the stone with planet Venus.

Emerald's Stone Common Traditions

Commonly termed as the symbol of material, spiritual, and physical regeneration, the heart of stone stands out from other precious stones. In Christianity, it's known as the pope's stone, while in Alchemy, they refer to it as the stone of knowledge and the messenger of the gods. It's widely used to mark the anniversary of couples who have been in the marriage for over the years. In the native American setup, the stone represents fertility and spring renewal. In the Middle Ages, the stone was believed to possess aphrodisiac properties. It was also used to help in pregnancies, ward off demons and evil spirits, and aid in childbirth. In ancient Europe, the stone was also referred to as the stone of eternal youth. The fact that the teachings of occult findings were curved on its tablets makes it the stone of secret power and knowledge. It's believed to have been buried with god Thoth (Egyptian mummy) near Hebron. While some believe it was later found by Alexander the Great, others sound contented, stating that Abraham's wife, Sara, was found the stone. Christians believe that Jesus Christ used a chalice carved with the stone during the Last Supper. Before Him, the chalice was kept by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicomedes. After the last supper, the chalice was renamed the Holy Grail.

Bottom Line

In a nutshell, springtime exudes renewed energy, bright colours, and life. The stone captures the enthusiasm for life in elegance and riches. The green and spring symbolise fertility and faith. Emerald's properties make it reinforce love and create harmony in relationships and families. The stone is steeped in superstition, history, and lore. It has been treasured for more than 4,000 years, thanks to its symbol of resurrection, rebirth, and love.

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